Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ecce Romani II Chapter 46

“Alas!” muttered Marcus. “Why 'alas'?” asked Sextus.
“Its always raining!” answered Marcus. “I was having in the mind today to descend to the Plain of Mars and to go the exercise ground, but the father has ordered us to remain at home. I think father to be cruel.”
 At that very time Eucleides entered and asked the boys why they might be sad. "we were eager to go the exercise ground," said Marcus," but father has forbidden us."
To which Eucledies said,"It is good for the mind! I shall teach you to play to the game of bandits. I think this to be a good game.”
Thus they were playing for almost two hours. After Sextus exclaimed, “This game shall delight me. I think this to be the worst game. Come on, Marcus! Dont you want to play odd or even or the right hand flash game?”
At once they both began to shout. At same time Marcus," Five!" At same time Sextus, “Nine!" Then Marcus,"Eight!" Sextus. "Six!"
"Quiet, boys!" interrupted Eucledes." You dont want to bother your mother and Cornelia with your shouts! I think you to be annoying today." But the boys were not obeying. And so Cornelia, hearing the shouts, went into the atrium and asked what they are doing.
"Don't be annoyed!" said Sextus. "Go away! But why do you have a doll in your hands? Do you play with dolls?"
“You are stupid Sextus! The doll is not mine. If do you believe I would play with a doll? This doll, which I myself have made, I shall give as a present to the daughter Davus. Today is her birthday.”
Suddenly Sextus, having snatched the doll, flees into the peristyle. Seeing that, Eucleides exclaimed to Sextus,"don't harm that doll! At once you must return!"
At that very time Cornelius entered. Having heard what Sextus had done," Sextus!" He shouted. "Come here!" The boy, being afraid, went back into the atrium and returned the doll of Cornelia. Then Cornelius led Sextus out of the atruim.
 Once gone, has Marcus asked,"What will father do? What will happen to Sexus?"
 To which Cornelia said,"I think father has in the mind to beat Sextus."


This blog will be the translations of ecce romani 2 for my class's latin class because our teacher sucks. Your welcome everyone.